
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

to my sweet as I leave for Ireland

My Sweet Love,

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to drive me to the airport today. I know that do not like when I leave for long trips and that you worry for my safety. Thank you for putting on a brave face and kind smile as you lovingly said goodbye to me for the next ten days. Oh, how I will miss you!

I am so thankful each day for you.  I am going to miss our conversations and teasing. I know that a constant thought on my mind for the next ten days will be, "I wish I could show Jason this!" I hope you have a great week at school and that you will be able to spend time with some of your friends. Use your time to stock up on xbox!!! Just don't forget about me to much. :) Oh, and make sure my brother doesn't move into my room while I'm gone, okay?

I promise I will let you know that I am there safely when I land. I'll be careful! :) I am anxiously counting down the days until the 24th when I get to see you again. I love you!


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