Tuesday, December 22, 2009
1,000 Gifts List
As things start to settle down, with finals done and on break from work I hope to write more regularly once again. And, while I have not been writing, those that I follow have been.
I am constantly blown away by Ann Voskamp and the wonderful way in which she finds Jesus in the every day, seeks Him, yearns for Him, and then so eloquently and beautifuly puts into words what she is feeling, seeing, hearing, experiencing.
She had written about a list that she has, the 1000 Gifts List. It is quite simple really, the goal is to find Jesus in the ordinary, the every day. For, isn't it written, "Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of lights..." It is about quieting yourself and and taking the time to recognize those gifts.
I, along with many others, have decided to join Ann in this gift recognizing. I have always loved lists, and have been known to make lists of things I am thankful for before, but never to this extent. I have a beautiful little journal that I am keeping record of them in and today I reached 100. Here is a glimpse of just a few of the many gifts I recieve daily.
55) warm blankets
56) biscuits and gravy
57) long car rieds with wonderful boyfriend
58) Godly women that blog
59) Christmas songs that speak of Jesus' birth
60) music that moves my soul
61) Apples to Apples
62) shared laughter
63) good pictures
64) my mom who helped me clean before I had guests over
65) jackets lovingly sacrificed for my comfort
And you? What would be on your list?
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I opened up a can of worms.
At the time I really did not think that anyone would comment on it. At least not angrily. Those that I knew would disagree knew how I felt (and I knew how they felt because they had posted stuff about how they wanted the vote to pass...) and I really didn't expect anything to happen.
I was wrong.
I recieved a very angry comment from someone. As I was sitting there praying and wondering what to respond back I remembered Proverbs 15:1 "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." (emphasis mine) I try to be very gentle in my responses to those who are not believers. because I have all to often met those christians that don't want to hear anybody else's side of the story and just start condemning people to hell.
I don't want to be like that.
I want people to know who I am and where I stand, and I also want them to feel open and comfortable to approach me with a topic that we might not see eye to eye on. Respectful discussion is a good thing. The Bible charges us to always be ready to give a defense to anyone that asks us the reason for the hope that is in us, with gentlessness, and respect." 1 Peter 3:15
I prayed that God would help me formulate my words and crafted a polite, but not cowardly, response. Meekness does not equate to weakness. The Biblical definition of meekness is power under control. Gentle. Kind, yet firm. When Jesus talks about blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth, He's not saying, "blessed are the cowardly."
The person that was upset continued to be upset and some other people took it upon themselves to comment and one person meant well but got carried away in the moment and was not very considerate or gentle. So, the fire got hotter and so did the tempers and now I have quite an assortment of angry comments sent back and forth between people. I came home from being gone and and I was reading back and forth and the last one that is directed towards me is especially angry. The person kept talking about how inconsiderate and closed minded I was.
This is when my flesh started taking over. I wanted to post back how, "funny, I'm supposed to respectful of everyone else's opinion but if mine is different from yours it's wrong." I wanted to tell this individual that I was sick and tired of people who are so "open minded" bashing on my opinions. That's what I wanted to say. Then I caught myself. Or rather, the Holy Spirit nudged me. Instead I said a quick prayer, closed the page, and am on here writing. Even though I didn't post that, I still failed at being genlte. My words and my feelings were not Christ like. Things done in secret are just as bad as if done in public. How small my faith is to respond rightly the first time around and then the second time around fall so quickly into my flesh.
Then I remembered. Didn't He tell us this would happen? Didn't He especially warn us of this? Why then, am I so surprised? John 15:8, "If the world hates you, keep in mind it hated me first." 1 John 3:13, "Do not be surprised, brethren, if the world hates you."
The person that is so angry at me. They're not really angry at me. They're angry at Him, at His words. I am just the vessle. He knows what it is like to have a world that hates Him. And yet, He still loves us enough that He came and died for us. Meek. The power to create and destroy heaven and earth, yet instead He came and walked in our shoes, took OUR sins, bore OUR punishment. Power under control. Jesus is the ultimate defintion of meek.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
WFMW: gifts list

Ann Voskamp, a woman from whom words of God pour out, wrote a post about a list that she keeps. She calls it The Thousand Gifts List where she continually writes down the blessings that God has given in her life. If you don't read her blog, you should. www.aholyexperience.com
In her post about The Thousand Gifts List, Ann Voskamp writes, "Too often I miss Him, oblivious, blind. I don't see all the good things that He is giving me, gracing me with, brushing my life with. True, He is everywhere, always. But maybe, before The Gift List, I thought of Him as further off, not so close. When I started to see all the things that I love bestowed upon me, I started to see Him as near, present, everywhere, showering me with good things. Seeing the things I love all around me gives me eyes to see that I am loved, that He loves me." (read the whole post here http://www.aholyexperience.com/2006/11/gift-list-thousand-things.html
At the end of her post she challenges others to join her in making their own lists. While I didn't know it, this is exactly what I was doing throughout the month of November. Assembling my gifts list.
A friend of mine had given me a very pretty journal a long time ago and I hadn't decided what to do with it. It has a purpose. It is my gifts list, with words written in my hand. It may not be as eloquent as Ann's, or as thought provoking, but, I am not Ann. I am me. And I am loved. My list is not very long...yet. However, each day as I look around I see Him in the green blades of grass, hear Him in a child's laughter, feel Him in a warm breeze, everwhere, surrounding me. Whispering little "I love yous" wherever I am.
Friday, November 27, 2009
WILMM: warm hands
I love sitting next to my boyfriend. I love it even more when he casually puts his hand on my leg and leaves it there. I can feel the warmth of his hand through my jeans. Constant. Steady. Reassuring. A quiet declaration of love.
As I write this I lay on my tummy opposite the love of my life. He is breathing deeply, slowly, soothingly. His hand rests on the heel of my foot and I think to myself that I don't want to do anything to move. As he moves and fidgets in his sleep his hand finds my foot again, and I smile. Even in his sleep, he loves me.
I cannot wait to marry this man. To enjoy the warmth of a hand rested on me every night, not just during stolen quiet moments of napping.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
WILMM: long car rides
I love spending time with my boyfriend. Some of my fondest memories revolve around long car rides. When we went to South Dakota this past summer, that was one of my favorite parts of the trip. It's so wonderful to have the one you love sitting right beside me. If I fell asleep, it was him I woke up to driving. If the radio was on it was him that I was singing along with. When there was something I wanted to share, it was him that I shared with. I treasure those times.
On Friday night Jason and I drove to the desert for his grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. I love that drive, especially at night. We drove back home late last night and the whole time we just talked and talked and talked and talked. I love those drives because I learn so mch about my boyfriend. I am constantly amazed at the humbleness and genuinness of my beloved. He is painfully shy around those that he doens't know, and even those that he does, he would rather sit and listen (for the most part) then say anything. Becuase of that there are so manyt thoughts that never get voiced, that I never get to hear or learn about. Long car rides are perfect for this becuase it's just he and I and he can ramble and sort out his words and say things the way he wants to without feeling a timed pressure. I love the intimacy of it. I love long car rides. I love him.
Monday, November 16, 2009
WFMW: cheap and easy gift ideas

Heirloom Ornaments- I haven't actually tried this yet but I really want to! http://genealogy.about.com/cs/holidays/p/ornament.htm
Cutest tutu's EVER! My little cousin is getting one for Christmas :) I don't know why but my link doesn't like to work, however, if you click on the "vermillion rules!" thing that pops up and then look to the right you'll see the extremly detailed tutu tutorial
Family Rules Canvas- super cute! Love the idea! My Big Lots has canvas for CHEAP, so check there if you plan on making one!
Set of leaf prints- ok, so maybe you would gift this to yourself- but I love it! This is definatly something I'll be doing in my house. I love how great she made it look!
Stamped tea lights in CUTE box- These are the perfect gifts for those people that you want to give a little something but not break the bank- I'm going to be giving these to my co-workers this year.
I stole this from Kristin so if you read her blog avidly then you've probably already seen them.
Personalized family trees- She freehanded her trees- I'm NOT that creative. I googled tree clip art, found a couple that I liked and then printed them out on cardstock. I cut out the tree and used the remaning paper for a a stencil. I used a brown paint pain and just "colored" in my tree.I also bought a leaf punch and just punched my leaves out of scrapbook paper. Then I coated it all with some glossy modge podge. My canvases are really thick, so I won't frame them. They came out really cute!
Stamped coasters- she used stamps but since I don't own any stamps and I wanted to do monogrammed coasters I bought some letter stencils at wal-mart (I think they were four bucks?) and a bottle of black paint that can be used on stone (a dollar something) and then some acrylic matte gloss sealant stuff (3 bucks or so). Mine turned out really nice! I do like the stamped look though.
And then I get in the car this morning. My climate controlled car. I turned on my radio and I'm listening to Kay Warren speaking on aids and orphans and death. And she's getting chocked up and crying because aids and oprhans and death...they matter. I'm listening to her story of meeting a mother in Africa with aids and she asked the mother what she wanted prayer for. And Kay said she was expecting her to say something like medicine, or money for hospital bills. Do you know what she said? She said pray for my children, because after I die no one will want to take care of them.
All of a sudden whether or not I pass this class is not even in the picture. I bawled my eyes out over this stupid class. When's the last time I cried over the fact that all over the world children are alone and dying and hungry and no one cares? When is the last time I wept for the mother who was dying of aids and couldn't provide for her family? When is the last time I bawled my eyes out because of the thousands of children in foster care in the United States who are waiting for a home?
Perspective. It speaks volumes.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
WFMW: Autism friendly movie theatres

I work in a k-2 autism class. Autism is near and dear to my heart. I'm always thrilled to find out about things that benefit or help families or those with autism. I was thrilled to learn that AMC has partnered with the autistic community to provide those kids with a sensory friendly environment- and still be able to watch movies on the big screen! According to AMC, "The program provides a special opportunity for families to enjoy their favorite films in a safe and accepting environment [if you've ever been with an autistic child while they're stemming in a public place you'll know why this is important] The auditoriums dedicated to the program have their lights up, the sound turned down and the audience members are invited to get up and dance, shout or sing!" [ever been to a movie with an autistic child as they latch onto that one phrase and repeat it a jillion times or ask you questions repeteadly? A place where they can freely talk and not get glared at, yay!!!!]
For a list of theatres that offer this awesome program check out this link! http://www.amcentertainment.com/Programs_and_offers/Programs/Sensory_Friendly_Films/
Sunday, November 8, 2009
what are friends for?
However, this was no normal party. And not just because we made things to burn later. Or because there was an odd assortment of people present. Very odd. The real reason it was special was because he was supposed to be there.
He is my friend's crush. Whom I have never met. And we all know that another friend's approval is important when considering a guy. Well he didn't show up. So, we made our little effigies (mine was an ant) and staid long enough not to be rude.
Then we went to bjs. I tried to cough up a lung (or two), ate, talked and just had a fun time. And that's what friend's are for. To go to weird parties that you would never normally go to to meet the boy that the friend is interested in so that you can pass approval, to moan and complain and wonder why said boy didn't show up as you leave the party, to decide that hummus, pretzels, pita bread, and carrots are not a real meal and to go to dinner after.
Oh, if I could make a book that contained only pictures of the things that my friend's and I have done and been through... but, after all, what are friends for?
Thursday, November 5, 2009
WILMM: hands
Last night my boyfriend and I went out to dinner with his precious 93(?) year old Great Grandma Kay. I feel like every time I see my boyfriend with his great grandma I fall in love with him all over again. The way that he acts with her is the perfect picture of his character. Quiet, sweet, tender, helpful, loving.
I wish I could have taken a picture of his hands with hers. His hands, young and strong, his hands that rub my back when it hurts, carry in 50 pounds of dog food, play tug of war with my dog. Those same hands that gently help his Great Grandma out of the car and eagerly open doors for her. Her hands, small and fragile, wrinkled skin from years of raising four sons, mixing cookies for her church's bake sales, holding grandkids in her lap, folded in prayer. Oh, how beautiful their hands are together, his and hers. I fall in love with him all over again.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
WFMW: Christmas count down- wrapped books

Everyone knows that the wait for Christmas is hard for kids, and my parents knew that too. To ease the waiting for Christmas, and to build a family tradition, my mom bought (and gathered) an assortment of Christmas books (My two favorite were the Jolly Christmas Postman and The Tale of the Three Trees). She wrapped 24 books and every night as a family we would gather around the basket she had put the wrapped books in and the three of us kids would decide together which book to open. After we opened it we sat and read it together.
My mom used the same books every year, but even though we had read the books it was still exciting to unwrap something. As the years passed we would always try to figure out which books were our favorites and open them first. It was a lot of fun. :) Last year my mom put the books out unwrapped (all three of us kids are over 15) and I was like, "you didn't wrap them!?" She just looked at me and was like, 'honey, I didn't think you would need them wrapped..." I have lots of fond memories of doing this and it really did make it exciting to count down to Christmas :)
Monday, November 2, 2009
I was thinking about what a big impact that little tiny piece of wood or whatever it was (I have a feeling it might have been a piece of wheat from a project I had been working on) made. It rendered that finger almost useless. Sure, I could use it, but it hurt to do so and I avoided using it all costs.
Isn't that what happens to our souls as well? Splinters. Sin, lies, gossip, envy, rage, hate, lust, wedged in our soul. And isn't it amazing that our very soul can cry out and tell us of the splinters of sin that we are embodying, just as our flesh can tell us of material splinters?
I looked up the definition of splinter. The verb is what hit me. "Veb 1. Splinter- withdraw from an orginazation or communion." (thefreedictionary.com/splinter) Isn't that what sin does? Our sin wedges it's way between us and God. It breaks our communion with the very One who made our soul.
I was quick to remove the splinter in my finger. I didn't like the way it hurt, didn't like that it disabled the use of my finger. Why then, do I not quickly remove the splinters in my soul? The things that disable my soul from being near and hearing God?
I was alone when I found the splinter in my finger. It was in my dominant hand. It was not easy to remove it and I thought to myself, "I wish someone was here to take this out for me." I have someone willing to remove the splinters from my soul. Over and over again, He will take them out, and not only will He remove them, but He will heal the hole that they have left behind. I have a groove in my finger now that will take time to heal. I have holes in my soul that need to be dealt with.
Oh Lord, help me to forget not to neglet my soul. Help me to recognize those splinters when they come and run to You for their removal.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
WILMM: pumpkin carving
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Orphan Sunday

Friday, October 30, 2009
christians are like pumpkins
When I was younger I used to love watching horror movies. The older I get the more that I find that those movies and those images leave an impression on my mind, one that I don't really care to have. It reminds me of Philipians 4:8, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -think about such things."
I think about what I am going to do with my kids during halloween when I start a family. I will let them dress up, but nothing that is bloody or gory, shows to much skin, or is dark and evil. I will not have a half eaten zombie, a slutty kitty, or a demon. I don't know if I will let my kids go house to house (depends on the area) or if we will participate in activities through our church. I don't know a lot of how I will celebrate halloween with my children, but I do know what we will learn when we carve our pumpkins.
I had heard a little story about how christians are like pumpkins quite a while ago. I loved it so much that I bought a pumpkin and carved it with the Sunday school class that I was teaching at the time.
I gathered the class around and we looked at the pumpkin. It was dirty, and I told the kids that when I had bought it it was surrounded by a lot of other dirty pumpkins. We washed off the outside with a clean rag and then I asked the kids if it was clean. They said yes. I cut off the top and then showed them the inside of the pumpkin. I told them about how even though we could clean the outside, the inside was still very yucky.
As the kids helped me clean out the pumpkin guts we talked about how just like the inside of the pumpkin was yucky and gross, the sin that is inside of us is yucky too. We talked about how the pumpkin had lots of seeds. We talked about how we have seeds of anger, bitternes, jelousy, ect inside of us. As we scooped out the seeds we talked about how when we invite Jesus into our hearts, He comes inside of us and takes all that yucky stuff away.
Once the inside was cleaned out we carved a smiley face, and we talked about how Jesus gives us joy. Then, when we put the candle inside and lit it, we talked about how when others see us they can see the light of God shinning through us. I really liked that we could take something that was not supposed to be christian related and relate it back to God. I love that something as simple as a pumpkin can be used to relate such intricate truths.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
WFMW: worksheets

I've printed off a lot of the pages on here, and it's basically the "curiculum" that I'm usuing right now. It works for me!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
WFMW: cute candle holder showy offy things

Check out Kimba's for the original idea, and for more super cute ideas! http://asoftplacetoland-kimba.blogspot.com/2008/08/ridiculously-easy-centerpiece.html
Don't forget to check out Kristen's blog www.wearethatfamily.com for more works for me wednesday ideas!
Monday, October 19, 2009
WILMM: traditions
I love the small things. The familiar things. The traditions that are unique to us.
love that when I am with my boyfriend I can predict what he will say in response to something that I say. I know what he likes and doesn't like. I can tell you that he is going to wrap his arms around me if he comes into the kitchen while I'm cooking, even before he ever enters the room. I love his tradition of walking me to my car and kissing me goodbye, and then as I do a u-turn and swing back around he steps into the middle of the street and I roll down my window and get one last sweet kiss goodbye. I love those things.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
WFMW: playdough recipe
This is a fabulous recipe that keeps for a long time and it's so easy to make!
• 1 cup flour
• 1 tablespoon of oil
• ½ cup salt
• 2 teaspoons cream of tarter
• 1 cup water
• food coloring
In a pan mix together all of the ingrediants. Stir constantly over medium heat until playdough starts to solidify and forms a ball. Remove from heat, mix together thoroughly and place in an airtight container.
For a fun twist, after it is done cooking, add a few drops of vanilla, lemon, peppermint, or almond extract. You can also mix in some cinnamon and punmpkin pie spice to make it smell yummy. Another favorite of kids is adding glitter. Enjoy!
Monday, October 12, 2009
WILMM: sweet talk
The other day while I was at school I was in an elevator with some other people. Amongst the people were a couple (deduced by the fact that they were holding hands). I don't remember what the girl had said, but the guy turned to her, looked at her and said, "You're stupid."
When he said that I could feel myself sort of jump. I couldn't believe that he had said that. Whether or not the guy was joking I'm not sure, however, that's not the point. Even when words like that are said in jest, they can strike a chord and hurt the other person.
I was trying to figure out why it bothered me so much that he had said that, especially since I just couldn't get over it. Then it hit me. My boyfriend, in over the (nearly) two and a half years that I have dated him has never uttered anything demeaning. Ever.
This is not to say that when he is upset or frusterated with me he doesn't tell me. He does. But it is always in a very repectful manner. He may tell me that I'm being unreasonable (which, a lot of the times I probably am...but shhh! He doesn't need to know I admit to it!) or that what I'm doing or saying isn't logical (that's a favorite of his) but he has never demeaned my worth. He has never told me I'm stupid, dumb, selfish, or anything of the likes. I think that's why it took me by surprise, and bothered me so deeply, when I heard that couple in the elevator.
Makes me remember how good I really have it. :)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Part of this walk is learning who am I supposed to be? Who is Elizabeth supposed to be as a friend, a sister, a daughter, a girlfriend? I learn a lot by gleaning from others.
Gleaning...it's such a beautiful thing when you think about it. You read a lot about gleaning in the book of Ruth when she and Naomi are both widows. They have lost everything but each other. Empty handed. Like me. Yet God knew that those times would come. When people become widows or orphans. When girls in their twenties need role models, encouregment. So He provided. And He still does.
In Ruth's case they needed food. God had commanded the Israelites, that when they harvested their wheat, to leave anything that had fallen on the ground there so that those in need could come and pick it up. Indeed, that is how Ruth met her future husband. When she was broken. When she was relying on God to provide for her through the use of gleaning.
And I? I glean from women who are older, wiser, farther along in their walk with God than I. A lot of my gleaning comes from reading blogs from women like, Ann (http://www.aholyexperience.com/), Kristen (http://www.wearethatfamily.com/), and Shannon (http://rocksinmydryer.typepad.com/). They open up their hearts and lives and then, after they push the "publish post" button, I glean. I read, and a pick up on things, and I learn and I grow. Often I laugh, sometimes I cry, but always I am touched by these real life women that live their lives for Jesus, their families, and others.
I am so grateful that I am blessed by this 21st century version of gleaning.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
WFMW: Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

Monday, October 5, 2009
What I learned in College
As I was sitting here looking at my bookcase I wondered what a stranger would think of me if they only looked at my books. They would definatly know that I was a christian, or at least interested in christianity due to my shelf of christian books. They would know that I enjoy a good series, becaus all of my books in a series are on one shelf too. Mostly they would see lots of novels that have to do with family or friendship of love stories.
As I continued to look I wondered if one book in particular would stand out to someone who was judging me by my books. That book is this:
This is not the type of book that I think any of my friends or family would think of if they thought of me. I was required to read Full Frontal Feminism in one of my history classes.
While I am all for equal voting rights and equal pay for women, for not having my husband chosen for me, for laws that protect me from being abused, and the freedom to wear clothing that reveals my ankles and face there were things in this book that troubled me deeply.
Being a christian my worldview is different than those who are not. I have a different moral standard and law that I abide (or at least, am supposed to, I don't do such a great job a lot of the times) by. A lot of this book challenged, and even made fun of, those ideals and values that I am rooted in.
These were some of the things that really bothered me.
1. Full Frontal Feminism tells me to have sex whenever I want, with whoever I want, however I want.
"So have sex with whoever you like, and as many people as you like, but I think we can all afford to be a bit discriminating. -Don't have sex with someone who won't use protection. -Don't have sex with someone who is anti-choice-they have no respect for your body or your ability to make decision for yourself. -Don't have sex with someone who doesn't respect your physical and emotional boundaries. -Don't have sex with Republicans. (Okay, that one is just mine. (pg 32)
The Bible tells me that sex is a sacred gift that should be saved for marriage.
Proverbs 5:18-19 – “May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. A loving doe, a graceful deer — may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her love.”
1 Corinthians 7:2-3 – “... each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband.”
2. Full Frontal Feminsim tells us that abortion is a from of birth control. A woman is in charge of her own body and if she wants that "mass of tissue" gone it's her right to get rid of it.
"All that I can say is that I think there's nothing wrong with abortion, that the right to control our bodies is one of the most important there is, and that those who are seeking to end that right are concerned not about 'life,' but about control." (pg 93)
The Bible tells me that "that mass of tissue" is a human being, no matter how small, and is being lovingly knit together by my Creator.
“For YOU created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful I know that full well.” Psalm 139: 13-14
Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you;"
3. Full Frontal Feminism tells me that homosexuals should be allowed to get married and adopt.
"In one of the cruelest moves ever, the anti sex, anti gay crowd (they tend to go hand in hand) is trying to keep anyone who isn't straight or married from being parents.
The Bible tells me that homosexuality is a sin, and yes, while homosexuals are people in need of Jesus just as much as I am, their sin should not be accepted as the new status quo.
Lev. 18:22 "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."
Romans 1:26-28 "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."
4. (Ok, so this one isn't anti christian, just a little to weird for me). "You may not like me for saying this...but engagement rings piss me the hell off. It's a friggen dowry! Now, I like me some jewelry. And I like gifts. But the only purpose of an engagement ring is to show that you 'belong' to someone, and that your man makes bank. ...While at the end of the day I'm not going to fault someone for wanting a ring, there are certain things (and maybe because they don't have to do with jewelry) I can't get over. Fro teh life of me, I will never understand why a woman today would change her last name. It makes no sense to me whatsoever. You want future kids to have the same last name as you and your hubby? Hyphenate, b****! Or do something, anything but change your last name. It's the ultimate buy-in sexist bulls***. It epitomizes the idea that you are not your own person. (pg 147)
Personally, Elizabeth speaking now, the idea of changing your last name, for me, is a not a sign of giving yourself up as a person but of joining yourself to the person that you are committing to for the rest of your life. That's just me.
5. Full Frontal Feminism tells me that if I don't want to have kids and choose never to have children that's fine. If I do want to be a mother that's fine too. Unless you want to be apart of the quiverfull movement. "The wackiest example I've seen of this idea lately is this movement of religious women who call themselves Quiverfull Mothers (like keeping your "quiver" full of babies-ick) and think that women should have as many kids as they can in order to build an army for god. And (naturally), they think that women should be submissive, and that 'woman's atemps to control their own bodies- the Lord's temple- are a seizure of divine power.'"
The book is not all bad, although I won't be sharing it with any young women, however here were the pros.
1) The book speaks strongly against porn and the damage that it does to those who watch it and then expect their sexual encounters to be like it. She emphasizes that porn is FAKE and that no woman should have to try to recreate that scene for thier partner. Hurrah for that! Porn is aweful, and it does ruin lives. However, sex should still only be for your spouse!!!
2) I do like how she talks about the fact that our culture emphasizes the wedding more than the commitment that is being made at the wedding. "A 2006 study showed that the average amount spent on U.S. weddings is almost $28,000. For a party. I'm sorry, but that'a down payment on a house...again, I'm all for a good party, but do we really have to spend this kind of money to prove to our friends and family how in love we are? ... Call me a hopeless romantic, but it seems to me that geting married should be about how much you love someone- not about how hot you look in a $5,000 dress. Just saying."
3) She sheds light on the way that our culture allows men to be the exact opposite, little boys. "Something new in American masculinity- at least in terms of pop culture- is the resurgence of boyhood as the cool standard. Like, back in the day, being a man meant taking care of your family and having a good job and all that. Now, at least if you look at commercials and television shows and the like, it seems that the ultimate way to be a man is to stay a boy." (pg 186)
4) She talks about how aweful the pressure that society on women to look perfect is, and, how unrealistic. "Whether we're puking or not eating or cutting ourselves (or letting doctors do it), young women are at the center of the beauty cult. ...When people talk about youg women having eating disorders or getting plastic surgery, they often assume that we don't know the consequences- health or otherwise. The sad truth is, young women do know. We just don't care." (pg 197)
I was a lone voice in my class. My teacher would ask us what we thought about the book and nobody else but myself said that they didn't agree with everything. I don't think that out of a class of 30 or so I was the only one that disagreed with parts of the book, but it saddens me to think that I was the only one that stood up for my beliefs.
So, after all of that. Why do I still have the book? My class was over with a long time ago. It's simple. I keep it to remember. When I worked with junior high girlsat my church I had to be aware of what they are being fed through television, at school, and through their teachers. I need to remember that I am in the world, but not of this world. I need to remember to pray for women like Jessica Valenti, who, while doing some good, is causing a lot of harm as well. If anything, reading this book did the exact opposite of what the author hoped for. This book anchored me even deeper in my relationship with Christ, opened my eyes up wide to the world that is out there, and made me resolve to stand up for the things that Valenti bashes, like saving sex for marriage, same sex marriage, and abortion.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
for me
However, you can get so caught up in helping others and worrying about other things that in the midst of the chaos, you get lost.
While I am honored that people read my blog, that's not why I created it. I write for me. I write because it soothes my soul. I write because I like seeing the page fill up with words as the thoughts empty out of my head. I write because I want to chronicle my journey in life. I write because I want to record the people and events that have shaped me into the woman that I am. I write for me.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
WFMW: No brown apples

My mom always assured me that they still tasted just fine.
uh huh.
I was buying that one.
For the longest time I didn't know there was a way to prevent apples from turning brown. But now I do, so I'm going to share my nifty little trick.
It's extremly easy. All you need is a large bowl, water, salt, and, of course, your apples.
Take your bowl (big enough to contain all of your apple slices) and sprinkle the bottom with salt. It's not an exact science. Guestimate.
Fill the bowl with warm water, disolving the salt. Cut up your apples and throw them in the bowl. Once your done cutting and they've all been bathed in salty water, rinse and enjoy! No more yucky brown apples! I've also heard that this works for potatos, but have never actually tried myself.
For more Works for me Wednesday tips visit www.wearethatfamily.com !
the blessings of a blackout
Electricity, for example. How often do we walk in a room, flip a switch, and actually think about how wonderful it is that when we do that the room is illuminated. Or, when you open the door to the refirdogrator or freezer, do you contemplate how it is that that massive block remains cold?
My family experienced a blackout from noon today till about eleven o'clock tonight.
I felt like I was amish. (And that's a good thing, just in case you're wondering)
We had candles lit all over the house and after my parents went to bed all three of us kids piled into the livring room and were going to sleep on the couches and floor. Just because we could. Because there were no distractions. No computers *cough*, no tv, no xbox, no phones even because all of our phones have to be plugged in and since they had been unplugged for so long they were losing charge. Just us. Entertainign each other. And it was fabulous. We were all laying in our designated spots, just talking and laughing and chatting.
Then *snaps finger*, just like that, the spell is broken. The lights get turned on and reality sets in. The phone rings. One brother is on the phone with his girlfriend. I turn on my computer. The other is sitting on the couch. All of us in one room. All of us in our own little worlds. Sad. Really, really sad.
So, while a blackout may be annoying for days on end, it's actually a nice break for an evening. I really think the amish have something going for them. I wish they blogged.
Then again, I guess that would defeat the whole purpose, now wouldn't it.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Perils of Working in Special Education
head butting
objects being thrown at you
hair pulled
objects stabbed into you
I have worked in a classroom setting (being paid) for less than one year. In that time I have been: kicked, hit, scratched, and head butted.
One of the aides in the classroom last year got a stapler thrown at her head. I kid you not. A stapler. By a six year old. One of the aides in the room next door has had a pencil stabbed into her. Yeah...this is the stuff you can't even make up.
This year at the school that I am working at we seem to have quite a few aggressive kids. None of them are in my room (thank you Jesus!) but we've had several of the aides bitten (and more) in one class. In another class they had to send a child home today because not only has he attacked the aides and teacher, but also several students.
When I first started out as an aide I would come home and tell my mom stories. She told me that I should ask for hazard pay. I'm just REALLY glad no one has bitten me yet. I think I can endure most of the other stuff...but no, I don't do biting.
Working with special education can be dangerous, and draining. That is just one side of the coin though. It can also be rewarding, and pleasant, and fun. I've said it a thousand times, I'm sure I'll say it a thousand times more. I love my job. It can be perilous in another way too. You might fall in love with your kids. When you do that, because I believe that many people do, then you risk not only your physical body but your heart. You are sad when the kids you work with misbehave. Disappointed when they regress. You feel helpless when they cannot master something, and you don't know how to help them. Frustrated when they can do something, yet refuse to. Completely and totally thrilled when they do something by themselves. Proud when they master something that they struggled so much with. It's a dangerous thing, working with special education, your heart gets involved.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
WFMW: Better World Books

The solution? www.betterworldbooks.com They have a bargain bin where you can get FIVE books for only FIFTEEN dollars. HELLO! How awesome is that? AND, free shipping!
Not only is it a good price, but the money that they earn with book sales goes towards helping global literacy. They also donate a whole bunch of books to organizations. It's really neat, go online and check it out!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
WILMM: out of his league
Today at church the pastor was talking about how he was out of his wife's league. He then went on to ask a retorical question about how many other men were out of their league with their significant others.
My boyfriend raised his hand. Not so that the whole world could see, but far enough that I could.
If that isn't the most romantic thing you've ever heard I don't know what is!!!
Friday, September 18, 2009
My girlfriend, Marlene, was pregnant with her second baby and had asked me if I would be willing to stay with her during her labor to encourage her. I said yes, and yesterday I got the call that she was on her way to the hospital because she was afraid she might be leaking amniotic fluid.
They had her in a room just to observe her and when she went for her ultrasound they thought that the baby would be nine pounds. My friend is not very tall, 5'1, 5'2, so the nurses called her doctor and her doctor was afraid she wouldn't be able to deliver naturally like she had wanted.
Marlene decided to induce so at 5:15pm on Thursday pitocin was started. We waited. And waited. And waited. It was sort of weird because Marlene, her boyfriend Thom, and I were waiting and talking and watching a movie and at one point it felt more like a sleepover than anything.
Marlene did so great. It was crazy sitting and talking to her and then having her stop mid sentence, grit her teeth, screw up her face, and then just like that, she was fine again. This happened over and over until it was about 3am. At that point Marlene wasn't worried so much about the pain but the fact that she was tired and didn't thinks he could sleep.
So, at 3am we called in the miracle worker, aka, the person that administered the epidural. At this point I was sitting on the couch in the room facing away from Marlene. I do not do needles in your spine. No thank you. And I'm really glad I didn't because Marlene was saying "ouch" more than she was when she having her contractions! The epidural started to kick in, although it only really worked on her left side.
As soon as she was comfy I laid down on my little plastic covered mat on the floor and Thom was on the couch and we all slept. The next morning the nurse laughed and told us that we were all sleeping quite soundly because she had come in to check on Marlene and changed her IV bag and stuff several times.
At around 8 in the morning Marlene started to complain about a lot of pain on the side that didn't get numbed. She called the nurse and we thought that she would just come in and up her dosage. The nurse decided to see how far dilated she was first and we were surprised to learn that she was at ten! And just as quickly as the nurse said she was at ten she told her to start pushing. So, push she did!
It took her 15.5 hours to get dilated to ten. It took her a half of an hour to actually deliver. It was truly amazing. I was standing near her head, counting to ten for her as she bared down and pushed and then all of a sudden, there he was! It was...breathtaking. Truly an indescribable feeling. It was just like, "holy cow! There's a baby that just came out of you!"
I'm so honored and thankful that Marlene allowed me to share in such an incredible moment of her life with her. It was something that I will never forget. I don't think words can accurately describe how amazing a birth is. It's amazing how God designed our bodies to work. It's breathtaking how God knits together a little person inside of his (or her) mother's womb. It's just...indescribable. I am so glad that I was able to witness little Travis' birth!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
WFMW: Peanut butter frosting :)

If there is one thing in life I love it's peanut butter. I made a chocolate cake the other day and I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do. I'm not a huge fan of frosting, and the kind of frosting that I will eat was not in the house and I didn't want to go to the store. That's when I remembered hearing someone talk about peanut butter frosting.
Google is my friend. :) I googled peanut butter frosting and clicked on the first website that popped up.
I followed the directions and it was DELICIOUS! Not to sweet, not so strong that it overtook the chocolate taste, not greasy, not gritty, just delightful.
Here is the recipe I used.
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 cup creamy peanut butter
3 tablespoons milk, or as needed
2 cups confectioners' sugar
Place the butter and peanut butter into a medium bowl, and beat with an electric mixer. Gradually mix in the sugar, and when it starts to get thick, incorporate milk one tablespoon at a time until all of the sugar is mixed in and the frosting is thick and spreadable. Beat for at least 3 minutes for it to get good and fluffy.
Most of the reviews said that it was really easy to make and only a handful had any complaints. The warnings that I gleaned from the reviews were a) make SURE your butter has softened b) make sure you use butter, not margarin c) sift your powdered sugar d) go by the "use milk as needed" not "3 tbs of milk" in the directions.
I followed the directions and kept it in my mixer for quite a while, I figured it wouldn't hurt it to beat it for longer than 3 minutes. I added my sifted powder sugar a half of a cup at a time and I didn't measure the milk, just poured some in until I got a consitancy that I liked. It is SO good! Oh, and it makes A LOT. I was only frosting the top of the cake so I could have easily cut this recipe in half and still had more than enough. Although, the frosting is so good that you'll probably just want to eat it by itself!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Tonight, is not one of those times. Usually I get along with my brother wonderfully. Not tonight. We rarely fight, but when we do it usually over one thing: the television.
I am rarely home, and when I am home I rarely have control of the tv. I have two little brothers and a neighbor who (like my boyfriend) lives at our house. The tv is usually hooked up to an xbox. If it's not hooked up to an xbox my dad is watching a football game or nascar race. My mom and I get the short end of the stick when it comes to the tv. Partially because my mom can't operate it...but that's another story in itself.
When I do get to watch I compromise and watch things that yes, I don't mind watching, but are not my first choice. I don't do this because I'm nice. I do it because otherwise I wouldn't be able to hear the show above all of my brother's groanings. I'm not kidding.
My family has an unspoken rule that if you leave the room for an extended period of time you forfeit your right to the tv. At least, that's my brother's rule for me. Funny, how it doesn't seem to work the other way around. And heaven FORBID I should TALK on my phone AND watch tv. Or, even worse, I read a book *GASP* and watch tv. Oh no, those are cardinal sins in my brother's book of rules about tv watching.
Unless he's the one doing it. You see, my brother got a call from his girlfriend and he left the room. For over ten minutes. Forfeit number one. Then he came back in and was so upset that I changed the channel. According to his rules, I should be allowed to. Then he continued to talk on the phone. Cardinal rule number 2. \
So, I did what any mature young adult would do. I continued to change the channel to my show. Then Greg just turned off the tv. So I left it off. If I didn't get to watch what I wanted to...neither did he. After a while he decided to go into his room. Not without taking one of the remotes and leaving the door to his room open so that he could sabotage any chance of me watching a show I like though.
So now, here I am at almost eleven at night not going into my room to sleep because he'll come in and turn on the tv.
And yes, I realize that this situation is completely juvenile and ridicules. But you know what, sometimes my sinful side gets the better of me and I just need to win.
WILMM: Orange rolls and straws
My family is a little unorthadox. I say that because I don't know any other family that lets their daughter's boyfriend live at their house on the weekends. Mine does. You see, he lives sort of far away, not nearly as far as he used to, but far enough that the drive is cumbersome and expensive. He has a key to our house.
He comes over on Thursday night after his last class for the week and then leaves on Monday morning. I think that our couch has his body permanantly imprinted on it.
My boyfriend is wonderful. He gets along with my family great, and I love that. He plays video games with my brothers, cooks food for my family, and plays with my dog more in one day than I do in the time that he is gone (and yes, I do play with my dog).
I opened up the fridge tonight and saw that my boyfriend had left me a present. Orange Rolls. Ya'll, if you have not picked up a package of orange rolls at your local grocery store you must. They are divine.

I love him. He's a keeper. :)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Persecuted Church

I am blessed.
I read a blog (wearethatfamily.com) that has been blessed with being able to befriend a family from Uzbekistan. They are part of the persecuted church. They take risks, real life defining risks, simply by calling themselves "christian."
As I read Kristin's blog entries aboiut her and her dear friends it brought me to tears. These people who live for Jesus and have undying faith put me to shame. Oh, sure, I believe that Jesus can do all things. At least in theory. But could I move to America with 200 dollars in my pocket not knowing anyone and be able to say that Jesus would provide. Would I be able put my trust completly in God and be able to say that "God always shows up on time, He is never late"? I'm not so sure.
We take so much for granted being able to live in America. My friend just got back from a mission trip in Kenya and the poverty that he spoke about is just mind blowing. We are so rich. And yet, it is through that richness and that safety that we take God for granted. There's a quote by Martin Luther that I think really emphasizes this. It states, "If the devil were wise enough and would stand by in silence and let the gospel be preached, he would suffer less harm. For when there is no battle for the gospel it rusts and finds no cause and no occasion to show it's vigor and power. Therefore, nothing better can befall the gospel that the world should fight it with force and cunning."
It is imperative that we do not sit in our air conditioned homes of America and forget the brothers and sisters in Christ around the world that risk their lives for our Jesus. As a body it is our responsibility to pray for, support, encourage, and educate others that christians DIE simply because they are christians.
If you would like to follow the story of Igor and Katarina here is the link: http://www.wearethatfamily.com/2008/08/when-god-steps-in.html

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
WFMW: Dryer Sheets

1. Pack them with your clothes in a suitcase, it makes your clothes smell good! :)
2. Likewise, if you have summer or winter sheets that you put away for a a season you can fold them up with the sheets so that they don't smell musty when it's time to use them.
3. Staticy clothes are no match to dryer sheets if you just take one and rub it all over your clothes.
I'm sure there are lots of other uses but those are some of the ones that I have found.
Easy, simple, and fairly cheap!
Check out www.wearethatfamily.com for more works for me Wednesday ideas!